Scripps Ranch Theatre’s 10th Annual
“Out on a Limb: New Plays from America’s Finest City”
Have an idea for a one-act play? Have one that’s unfinished? How about one that’s been written but not produced on a stage? We want to work with you to fully realize your play and produce it over two weekends in June of 2023 on SRT’s stage!
The process is simple:
Step 1 – Submit your play (Electronic submission – send to newplays@scrippsranchtheatre.org)
Step 2 – If your play is selected, the playwright and SRT will meet as needed over the course of several months to further develop, read, and workshop, culminating in a production of the play on SRT’s main stage during our Out on a Limb new play festival in June 2023. An honorarium will be paid to each playwright that has their play produced by SRT. Plays will be performed black box style, with minimal set.
The deadline for your submission is
Sunday, January 15, 2023 by 11:59pm.
- Your play, in standard playwriting format with a title page and contact info. If your play is unfinished, please send what you have and share with us your intention for the rest of the play.
- Your playwriting resume (if you are a beginning playwright and don’t have many credits, please share with us your writing and/or theatre experience)
- Send to: newplays@scrippsranchtheatre.org
- There are no limitations on subject matter or language; however, we are looking for intelligent, thoughtful, and unique ideas – reasons for us to think “this will make a really interesting piece of theatre!”
- When completed, the fully realized play must be no shorter than 10 minutes and no longer than 60 minutes, with a maximum cast size of five.
- Please do not submit plays that have already been fully produced on stage. If you’ve had workshops or staged readings, that’s fine to submit.
- After the submissions have been reviewed, SRT will choose up to three playwrights to continue work on their plays, culminating in production-ready versions.
- You must meet certain deadlines for your work in order to achieve the goal of producing the play and to receive the entire honorarium.
- Submissions must be sent electronically. Please email submissions (following the submission guidelines) to: newplays@scrippsranchtheatre.org.
- You may submit multiple ideas as long as you submit a Statement of Intent for each idea.
- January 15, 2023: Submission deadline (Sunday at 11:59pm).
- February 2023: Submissions will be chosen to move on in the production process.
- March – April 2023: Playwrights and SRT will collaborate (reading/workshop, discussion/rewrites) in preparation for playwright’s creation of a Production Draft.
- May 2023: Production Draft is due. Additional work may be done in rehearsals in preparation for full production of play the weekends of June 16-18 and June 23-25, 2023.
If you have any questions that are not answered here, please contact Robert May, Founder and Artistic Director of OOAL, at: newplays@scrippsranchtheatre.org.
So, let’s get to it!
Send your electronic play submission to: newplays@scrippsranchtheatre.org
Scripps Ranch Theatre’s “Out on a Limb: New Plays from America’s Finest City,” is designed to create and stage new one-act plays. The program strives to develop and produce new work that will engage playwrights and theater artists in California. It is our intention to celebrate diversity, to entertain, educate, and expand the horizons of our patrons and develop new audiences, and to contribute to the cultural and economic growth of our community.