Greetings to all patrons and supporters of Scripps Ranch Theatre!
As we enter our 45th season, I wanted to share with you some of the accomplishments and challenges we experienced this past year.
Accomplishments include being able to present top quality diverse theatre in an intimate setting, great reviews and the ability to attract the best professionals in San Diego as actors, directors and designers. We’re proud and pleased that our audiences are coming back after the challenges of COVID . Donors continue to support us with their generosity. Still challenging : Grant money continues to be a stretch as many non-profits vie for a smaller pool of grant funds. And, critically, the new employment law passed just before the pandemic impact continues to strain our budget.
Overall ticket revenue is up, but remains well below our last full pre-pandemic season. For the year, we recorded another loss, primarily attributable to increased production costs. But the loss was less than expected so financially we’re going in the right direction.
So why did our costs go up so dramatically the past two seasons?
The primary cause was Assembly Bill 5, which went into effect in 2020. You probably heard a lot about it at the time, as it directly targeted Uber, Lyft, and other “gig” workers. In short, AB5 requires many companies to treat individuals who previously worked as independent contractors as employees. This includes theatres, particularly smaller non-union companies like SRT. Where we formerly paid our actors a fixed contract amount, we are now required to onboard them as employees, pay them an hourly rate, and cover the costs of payroll fees and taxes. And as we all know, it takes a lot of hours to put on a successful show! As a result, our annual personnel costs have tripled.
Despite these fiscal challenges, I consider the 2023-24 season to have been a great success.
Our shows were well-staged, well-reviewed and well-attended. We made the decision to commit to the Legler-Benbough Theatre as our home, and made a substantial investment in the physical space. We built a new box office, refurbished the lobby, and upgraded the sound and lighting booth, including the purchase of a most needed new light board. Finally, we continue to partner with other theatres, forging a new relationship with Common Ground Theatre – a San Diego institution since 1963 – and continuing to partner with Roustabouts Theatre.
As we approach Season 45, challenges remain, but none that we cannot overcome with the support of patrons like you! We have chosen to keep ticket prices low with no increases in spite of our increased costs. In addition, we will be staging primarily small-cast plays, capping our rehearsal hours, reducing the number of musicals produced, and collaborating with other local theatres.
These shifts, do not minimize SRT’s need to increase our contributed income.
As an organization that relies on individual contributions for 70% of our annual revenue, I urge you to consider making a personal donation of any amount. SRT has been an important part of our community since 1978. Let’s work together to make sure our legacy remains for at least another 45 years!
Please click here to see the fantastic lineup we have planned for you, make a tax-deductible donation, and purchase a season subscription. Share your enthusiasm for SRT by inviting your friends to enjoy the fabulous season we have coming up.
Thank you again and I look forward to seeing you at the theater!
Casey Tibbitts
President, Scripps Ranch Theatre Board of Directors